Sunday, November 11, 2007

Remembrance Day

Today, Kate and I met for breakfast at the Giraffe Restaurant and then did a little bit of shopping. It was a very nice morning/early afternoon.

After that, we met up with Nate and Wes to go check out the Imperial War Museum. This was so interesting. We saw airplanes, bombs, submarines, and tanks that were used in WWI and WWII. They had a really neat gift shop with copies of old postcards and advertisements from the time of the Wars.

We walked through the Secret War Exhibit, and then spent the rest of the afternoon experiencing The Holocaust Exhibition. This was incredible, sad, interesting. It explained The Holocaust from beginning to end, starting with life before the war for Jews, WWI explaining how the politics and other world events during this time lead to the rise of Hitler and Nazism, and proceeding through to the end of WWII. The exhibit went into great detail about each section, touching on the personal lives of the people who were involved, including the victims, the leaders in the German military, the Allies fighting against the regime, and even some of the commanders in charge at Auschwitz (the largest concentration camp there was). They had a miniature replica of Auschwitz that was so well done, you could really get a feel for the massive size of it and how many people were effected by it. The entire exhibit was heartbreaking and unbelievable. It is hard to imagine any part of it being a reality. I could have spent the entire day in this exhibit, it was so interesting and there was so much to see.

Unfortunately, we ran out of time and the museum closed, so I may have to return at some point to check out the rest of it. It was certainly an interesting place and a good way to spend Remembrance Day.

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