From there, I boarded another plane (a big 777 with 9 seats in a row--biggest I've ever flown in!) and headed to Heathrow Airport in London, England. The flight was about 7 hours, though with the time change, I arrived in London at 7:20 am (six hour time change from Minnesota to London). After arrival, I waited in line with many, many other people from all over the world to pass through Immigration (about an hour and a half to two hours, yuck!). But, eventually, I got my passport stamped (with the correct one, yay!) and I was on my way.
From the airport, I found a taxi to take to my hostel (if anyone travels to Central London from
The BUNAC Hostel is dorm-style living and there is a pretty tight-knit community that lives here. Some of the people have been living here for several months, some a few weeks, others just a few days or arrived today. The group dynamics are interesting to observe (the social worker in me, of course). The people here seem easy-going and the hostel is fairly comfortable so far. TV is actually very similar to home--Scrubs was just on and now we're watching The Simpsons. Most of the people here are from the U.S. and Canada, so maybe that's why.Tonight I've got studying to do with the UK Acts and Laws regarding social work practice. I have an interview tomorrow at 1:30 pm with the Surrey County Council for a qualified social worker position. Surrey is outside of London, so will have to navigate the public transportation system tomorrow (thankfully, Kate gave me directions and some tips on how to use it!). So, after studying, I'm going to go to bed EARLY! I'm pretty tired with having only had a couple hours of uncomfortable sleep on the plane this morning.
All in all, I am doing very well and am happy to be here (though I already miss people from home a bit--wish you were here!). The weather is pretty comfortable and I love hearing everyone's British accents!
So, my adventure begins...but really, I have been planning this trip for over a year and have wanted to travel/live in Europe for several years. In this time, so many people have helped me to prepare for this--friends, family, co-workers, supervisors, and professors. Without all of the listening, discussions, feedback and other support from all of you, I would not be here in London right now, beginning to fulfill my dream. I hope you know that I am so thankful to have you in my life and I appreciate your support more than I can express. I will do my best to make the most of my experience and share it with all of you.
Much Love,
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