Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Orientation, Accounts, and Employment

Lessons from today:

1. Sometimes walking is faster than taking a taxi or other public transportation.
2. Wear neutral colors, especially black, if you want to blend in.
3. There are markets around London where you can find inexpensive clothes.
4. Restaurants may not be as straightforward as one would think.
5. Beware of young couples who think it is funny to pull down each other's trousers.
6. It is okay to come back to the BUNAC Hostel after having moved out; however, this is only true if you come back again to stay, not just to visit while you are living somewhere else and simply want to use the internet. This is not a policy, but part of the hostel culture.

Today I had orientation at the BUNAC Office. It took about a half hour to ride there in a taxi-- what it usually takes to walk--and only ten minutes or so when driving. The orientation took about an hour and a half and then after the session, I checked out some their housing resources.

I had an appointment at 2:00 pm at the bank to set up my account. It took me a little while to find my way there, but it was fine. As I was walking, I noticed that everyone around me was dressed ten times nicer than I was (jeans, a tee, and a hoodie) and that they were all wearing neutral colors, with the occasional color mixed in. I took a little detour through a market on Leather Street that seemed really cool. It was mostly clothes and accessories, unlike most of the markets I have ever been to. I want to go back there sometime soon--maybe I can 'Londonize' my wardrobe.

I made my bank appointment on time and got my account set up without any problems. Before the appointment, I received a call from UK Pro saying that the job in Acton Town could still work out, though since I do not have my qualification from the GSCC, that I would have to be 'unqualified.' Not sure if this means that the work would be any different, but it does mean that I get paid less. However, once I am qualified by the GSCC (assuming I will be), the pay would increase to the normal wage. At this point in the day, UK Pro was going to verify this information with the manager at the job and let me know later.

After my bank appointment, I stopped at a nearby cafe and had a late lunch. It was a neat little cafe on the corner of Kingsway and Aldwych, right across from the BBC building. They have it set up so that you can either have your food 'take away', so it stays in the original packaging, or 'eat in' if you want to stay there. I learned this as the experience unfolded...I was momentarily confused when the girl took my sandwich and it disappeared behind the counter as I searched for my pounds (GBP) out to pay her. As she placed the unpackaged sandwich accompanied by a few crisps on a plate in front of me, I realized what had just happened. They also had pasta there in packages, which I had thought about getting before I went into the restaurant, but assumed it was to buy and prepare at home, so passed on that idea. I got a sandwich (they have tomatoes and cucumbers on many/most of their sandwiches--I love it!) and some crisps (potato chips) with a fruity drink, which were all delicious. However, I was a bit disappointed by my cold sandwich, as a few minutes into my lunch the waitress brought out a steaming hot plate of pasta to the lady sitting nearby. Like I said, it was a learning experience...and one of those moments where you silently chuckle at yourself because of your ignorance. Anyway, it was a nice lunch and it was fun to sit and watch all the hustle and bustle of Londoners go by.

The rest of the afternoon went by quickly, as they have been, and I just went about my usual business of getting settled in and figuring out all the financial, logistical, scheduling, and such done. I also received a call from UK Pro saying that I did get the job in Acton Town and that I start tomorrow!

And, now that I have a job, I have begun to search for housing. I am considering moving to the flats owned by BUNAC, as they are much closer to Acton Town. I would probably only live there temporarily, but it would save me some time and money if I did with the (much) shorter commute. Erin (my current roommate) and I just got a new roommate today, too. She is from Texas and seems pretty nice. However, it's pretty crowded in our room with three people and all of our stuff. So, I spent quite a bit of time looking for housing online this evening, and hopefully things work out well.

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